Fairytale XP
Friday, July 31, 2009

HELLO! i went t0 kanna wif fangyin again 2day t0 spend 0ur time 0ver there , sad case t0 yeemun, we din ajak her,wakkakakaaak! I wanna share s0mething with every0ne , my six sense reli very accurate wann o , accurate until i os0 cann0t believe.

The st0ry begins like dis..............................................................................................

Once up0n a time , there are tw0 y0ung ladies , named Hui Shin n Fangyin.
At first , hui shin wanted t0 0rder her fav0urite drink which is mang0 lassi, but then, '' little huishin '' t0ld her n0t t0 0rder it due t0 s0me paiseh reas0n,
(actually it is n0ne of six sense bussiness) , 0f cuz, huishin din 0rder lassi lar but fangyin 0rdered it w0rhh , fangyin still wanna chuan hui shin that she 0rdered her fav drink.
At last , the drink taste like......(ahahahaa)
-END OF STORY- clap yr hands!

T0day is UBK club's agm , tis is the first time i j0in ubk 's agm . im very happy because i can see all the seni0rs again , they are really friendly. 0h my , i hate ' M SQUARE ' al0t mannn , she keep 0n sh0w her stupid face t0 all 0f us , she lo0ks like a hipp0! Pe0ple are talkin in fr0nt , then she keep 0n sh0w her stupid face! Luckily she is leaving so0n.
Yeemun br0ught her camera t0 skul 2day because she wants t0 d0 her sivik pr0ject. im her cameragurl ,hahahahaha ! After she is d0ne wif her pr0ject, we take 0ur frenship ph0to lo. ^^
We to0 quite al0t of picture , s0me is fa-qia0 wann , s0me is like..g0t kalefe behind the pic wann and many many m0re. I LOVE MY FRIENDS ALOT!

9:11 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Im reli very very very very SORRY to everyone , me to0 l0ng din bl0g adee, busy with s0me other things, hehehehe!

Yesterday was Khei Mun's bathday, khei mun eu finnaly can bath d!! early in the m0rning(n0t really early) we wh0le gang celebrate wif him in KANNA , warhh we 0rdered a r0ti tissue and shareshare, After that we went t0 d0min0's pizza t0 have 0ur ....brunch,maybe? actually after i ate in kanna im really very full adi, my st0mach alm0st wanna expl0de adi but i still eat cuz i must give face t0 khei mun wann mar. Then then then , khei mun belanja us makan ice-cream o , wala0 , hahahahahaha i th0ught i can tahan until recess time tat time n0 nid eat but after three peri0ds i started t0 feel hungry again ^^

T0day is rep0rt card day , my first rep0rt card day in sec0ndary scho0l , i din get the 0ppurtunity t0 experience it last year due t0 s0me reason, Rep0rt card day t0 me is like children's day because we can walk anywhere we like or d0 anything we want cuz teachers are n0t free t0 choi us. But the sad thing is my mum cant take my rep0rt card because she suddenly have t0 d0 s0me urgent things , im reli very sad, reli sad because i th0ught i can maybe intr0duce my mum t0 0ther pe0ple or s0mething but then my mum cant make it.
But i kn0w that my mum is n0t purp0usly t0 ffk me , she must be have s0mething that is very urgent , i shud n0t angry my mum h0rhhh...if n0t ...i os0 dunn0!

Aiy0r , i l0ve eu yingxi, eu make me s0 t0uch but im kinda K-YING on in tat picture??? L0LX!!


8:16 PM

when you have someone as great as huishin
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What else can you ask for?

Hello everybody, you may or may not know me, but I'm ying xi :D
I just wanted to see if I remembered lavender's password, and I did :D :D


Sorry I hack your blog!
anyways Lavender is awesome!
I swear, if it wasn't for her, I would not be the person I am now,
she's the kind of person that forgives and forget
It doesn't take a genius to know how awesome she is.
If I were to tell you how great she is?
I would probably bore you,
besides, I'm pretty sure all of you know that already :P

Back to the real question, why am I here?
I don't really know (:

9:32 PM

dance cell ??? NO! NO!
Friday, July 17, 2009

What sh0uld we d0? if we realise that we did s0mething wr0ng??
haiy0rrr....im reli very wr0ng this time , h0w can i d0 this t0 someone that is very important to me. SORRY ANNO , LOVE.

Ab0ut the phant0m of the 0pera , im the dancer..yea . ballro0m dancing , me b0h pr0blemm but then the ''p0ker face'' dance , i reli have t0 admit that im the m0st m0st most po0r dance, haizzz! sad case , dun have the ''right cell '' -.-
the main big pr0blem ab0ut me is , i keep 0n f0rget what t0 dance next after s0me particular dance,aiy0rrrr,what t0 do!!!
i have t0 be m0re f0cus and c0ncentrate , if i still cant dance well on the c0mpetiti0n day , my name will be '' XIE XIA0 ZHU!! '' PROMISE!

Seems like t0day is n0t a gud day , my sister... lalalala all os0 n0t in a gud mo0d, aiy0r i os0 dun dare t0 talk t0 my sister rite n0w! JIEJIE . 55 smile , i wanna ask eu ab0ut tomol0 , ab0ut the v0lleyball installati0n, eu pr0mised tat eu will g0 wif me rite??

(2) ANNO ^.^

9:47 PM

HOT Topic!!!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009

Fangyin...h0hohoho eu finnaly MAGGIE CUPP already!!! haahhahaah~~~ s0 happy , i can see that she is veryy happy after she maggie, i can feel it. But i think that n0rth-s0uth-west must be m0re aggresive abit , my tree must teach teach him s0me SKILL!!! haaha
0kay the c0nclusi0n is , if eu like any0ne , GB t0 him/her quickly, dun waste y0ur opportunity, eu never try eu never kn0w. ^^

Im very very very tired because i w0ke up early in the m0rning f0r the POTP dancing practice , at first i wanna sleep in the class tetapi cann0t!!! because the class g0t to0 many ''attracti0n''. I think this wh0le week i os0 have t0 wake up early in the m0rning.... my bed T.T
P/S - im just a kalefe!(TVB KALEFE,wakakakka)

* Mummy, i n0e that eu have a big pr0blem t0 settle n0w , i believe eu can settle it cuz eu are the BEST!
I will always be there f0r eu and supp0rt y0u! ADD OIL!

8:55 PM

Phantom Of The Opera!
Sunday, July 12, 2009

My l0vely Meridien is finnaly 20yrs 0ld !!!! ohhh , just admit it eu r n0w 0ld,hahahahaah~
We had buffet - dinner in KL Hilt0n , i ate al0t 0f ice cream , yummy!! haiy0rrr cuz its ice cream s0 i cant let it g0 so easily ^^
Its Sunday but i still g0 to skul t0day .... t0 practice dancing for the Phant0m of the 0pera. My partner is munwei and mingy0ng. IM S0rry munwei, f0r keep stepping 0n y0ur t0e , paiseh! I think tat 0ur act0rs and actresses is very go0d in acting , s0 pr0ud of them ^^

7:27 PM

One m0re h0urr
Thursday, July 9, 2009

SFP'S sis aka meridien chia .....eu shud read tis p0st , im s0 tired rite n0w but i still tahan tahan tahan just t0 be the first one t0 wish eu 0n yr big day T.T T.T
s0 gud 0f me!!!! dun be to0 t0uch okay! tahan one m0re h0ur 0ni...muahahahahhaah

Tom0lo v0lleyball agm...h0ho!

<3 ''TREE''

10:32 PM

BUsy !!! <3 TREE
Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My darling'S' and I busy d0ing the card f0r pn.lim's persaraan f0r the wh0leeeeee day , of cuz we d0 it f0r represent PRS JR , i dun think ill be s0 kind enuf t0 do a card f0r her?? heheheh

Fangyin came t0 my h0use just n0w , she just left btw ,hhaahhahaa!! i dun wan her t0 go T.T
AT first we wanted t0 c0ntinue d0ing the card but , aiy0rrr tw0 best friend sitting 2gether , cann0t c0ncentrate LARR!!! and then and then , she os0 busy sending sms t0 '' s0uth,west, n0rth'' while im os0 busy sending sms t0 my ''high skul'' ^^
yEEMUN harhh, at first she os0 c0ming t0 my hse wannn but then , aizzzz!


10:41 PM

I LOVE ''TREE'' ^^
Sunday, July 5, 2009

aiy0rr...to0 l0ng din bl0g adii , im s0 s0rrryy!!! i dunn0 im busy d0ing apa thing!
yesterday me,yee mun, fangyin and mun wei when t0 a skul named seri kembangan f0r the HARI INTERAKSI PRS. it's n0t to0 far but it's n0t to0 near 0ur skul. when we reached there , we saw many 0ther skul's prs , they are quite friendly th0ugh. And then there is a game which four 0f us have t0 c0unsell pe0ple, actually we dunn0 h0w t0 c0unsell, we have n0 skill on it. but 0verall i think tat we did it quite go0d.Eventh0ugh i missed v0lleyball practice because of it( sob sob) BUT i really learned al0t of thing yesterday so its go0d t0 j0in a club or s0ciety tat is w0rth it.
After that, me and fangyin went t0 yeemun's hse t0 play play play! FRIENDS are really imp0rtant and im lucky t0 have tw0 best friends like yeemun and fangyin!!

18th is 0ur v0lleyball club installati0n day , my sister is g0ing wif me! im really really very excited. Xiang dang nian , my sis is very pr0 in v0lleyball(but n0w i dun think s0,wakakka) and she influence me t0 fall in l0ve wif v0lleyball s0 thanks t0 her!!! clap clap

July 3rd is the m0st meaningful day t0 me, i will never f0rget tis special day. D0es my face really lo0ks like tomat0 on that day??? 0.0

6:30 PM

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